You have a business need.

I ❤️ serving small businesses.

I can help

Many businesses have similar challenges they are trying to solve. Do any of these sound familiar?

"I'm so busy working IN my business that I don't have time to work ON my business. I know I'm not doing a good job managing things but I'm too exhausted and don't know where to start."
Danny H
Co-Founder, Crown Exteriors

Fractional COO Services

What is a fractional COO? A fractional COO (Chief Operating Officer) is essentially a part-time COO, providing strategic leadership and operational expertise to businesses that might not need a full-time executive but still require high-level guidance.

Here’s a breakdown of typical responsibilities:

Strategy and Growth:

  • Translating the CEO’s vision into actionable plans.
  • Identifying areas for growth and developing initiatives to achieve them.
  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) or objective and key results (OKRs) to track progress and measure success.

Operations and Efficiency:

  • Overseeing company operations and ensuring smooth workflow across departments.
  • Identifying and eliminating inefficiencies in processes.
  • Implementing new systems and technologies to streamline operations.

Leadership and Team Management:

  • Working with department heads and other executives.
  • Providing guidance and mentorship to leadership teams.
  • Ensuring clear communication and alignment across the organization.

As a part-time COO, I have helped many young and small organizations develop frameworks that provide operational efficiency, strategic clarity, and cultural excellence, resulting in increased earnings and higher customer and employee satisfaction.


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A solution to your challenge may be closer than you think.

I have started and consulted for many small businesses and I know how much heart and hard work goes into making them run. You didn’t take the courageous step of starting your own business just to feel endless frustration and exhaustion…did you?

Many of the challenges that confront business owners in today’s business environment can be solved with simple, low-cost solutions without long-term commitments.  That’s where I can help.

Nathan Nordby
Managing Member